Sunday, November 9, 2008


Arthritis - The root cause of joint problems

Arthritis is a condition that causes immobility and severe pain in the joints. The immobilityageing, aging, arthritic pain, Arthritis, bones, brittleness, joint pain, joynt, joynt pain, muslcle pain varies with the condition and the pain becomes persistent over a period of time. Arthritis refers to numerous diseases and literally means inflammation of the joint.

Arthritis affects the body movements and is a long lasting condition. Depending on the management of the ailment you can get temporary relief.

Some forms of arthritis are a result of other tissue and organ disorders. Arthritis can affect people of all ages. Arthritis can cause swelling, redness, pain, and immobility in an affected area.

Inflammation occurs as a natural response to certain conditions within the body. It is a part of the defense control mechanism of the body. Many cells of the immune system move to the affected area for repair work causing inflammation. But in many cases the inflammation is persistent as the repair and damage work continue simultaneously in the absence of medication. The damage can change the structure of the bone and other tissues thus affecting movement and causing pain.

Two of the most common forms of arthritis are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be the most serious form of arthritis. It may vary from a few symptoms to severe and painful deformities. It normally affects the finger joints, toes, knees and wrists. This form of arthritis normally varies with stress, movement and environment. The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still unknown.

ageing, aging, arthritic pain, Arthritis, bones, brittleness, joint pain, joynt, joynt pain, muslcle pain

Osteoarthritis is one of the oldest and most common forms of arthritis. In osteoarthritis, joint tissues breakdown causing joint pain and stiffness resulting in immobility. The areas most affected by osteoarthritis are hip, knee, spine and feet.

The treatment options available are medication and herbal supplements. The objective of the treatment is to control the inflammation and stop the degeneration of joints. Although both forms of treatment have shown good results in the patients, modern medicine has side effects that may cause serious problems. Herbal supplements control the problem safely and effectively.